Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Week 7 and the time is flying

Back to normality after the weekend and it was a very relaxing. I stayed in sat night and I watched the X Factor and cracked open a bottle of wine with my sister and mother! I was shocked to see that the twins got in again. Its very funny how much they annoy simon!!

I also decided to do some college work and I started my web report and got a lot done so I was quite happy!! I need another 800 words so almost there with it!! I also had training with my club on the Friday night and it wasn't a pleasant night for it because our county final is in 2 weeks.

On sunday I went to watch the local games with my father and brother and that was entertaining and passed away a few hours for myself!! I also visited my relations so it was nice...

On Sunday night then, I decided to out go in town with my friends and I had a great night. The Wolfe Tones were playing in the nite club early so it was enjoyable! We did a bit of a pub crawl some laugh, and all the pubs were busy after the games that day!!


  1. You need to make your group blog public. I cannot read it otherwise

  2. I got another invitation to read your private group blog
